Kamis, 24 September 2020

Awake (2012) TV Series

Awake (2012) TV Series

Released Date: Thursday, 1st March 2012
First Air Time: Thursday, 1st March 2012
Last Air Time: Thursday, 24th May 2012
Total Episodes: 13
Original Title: Awake
Ratings and Voters Count: 7.9 / 10 / 20,218
Country: US

Michael lives in two separate realities after a car accident. In one reality, his wife Hannah survives the accident; in the other reality, his son Rex survives. Michael does not know which reality is "real", and uses the wristbands to differentiate the two. He sees two therapists: Dr. Jonathan Lee in the "red reality" and Dr. Judith Evans in the "green reality". At work, Michael's erratic behavior triggers clashes with his team; they do not know about Michael's uncanny ability to solve crimes using details from both realities.

Watch Series Link: https://ift.tt/3hVExEl

from Streaming TV Series To Watch Online https://ift.tt/3hVExEl

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